Saturday, February 17, 2024

Day 49: Am I Running for Mayor?

 Moving day! I found Giuseppi at the old clock tower and got my stuff moved pretty quickly. I got moved into the Imperial Estates and felt like I was living large. This place is huge and it has a pool!

Once everything was moved, I returned the moving crate to Giuseppi and headed to the general store. They had a toilet, so I bought it. 

Walking around town, I stopped and chatted with Nora Zeal-Ott. She's still running for office. She says she wants to bring positive leadership to the Sim Valley community. She says no one is actually running against her. So I guess she'll automatically win. I decided to ask her about her campaign issues. Nothing she suggested actually seemed like big issues... She wants to make postage stamps "less gross to lick," and give everybody free shoelaces? What? I was ready to tell her how ridiculous those were but then she said something that caught my attention. Apparently there's a law with a loophole that would allow any citizen in Sim Valley to hold a mayoral election whenever they want, and she wants to overturn it. 

So I asked her, does that mean I can run for mayor right now? She said I could, but O. Phil McClean, the fisherman, is already running. He thinks the current mayor is doing a terrible job. Honestly, that seems to be what everyone here thinks. No one really seems to like the current mayor. I asked Nora why she wasn't running for mayor (she's running for assistant treasurer), she said the title isn't long enough. Weird reason, but whatever floats her boat, I guess. She did say if I wanted to run against Phil, she'd run my campaign. 

Sounds like it could be fun. I'm sure I'd be way better than the current mayor. I just need 10k simoleons and to be popular. Oh, and I'd also have to get Phil to drop out. I can do that. 

I went home for the night. Tomorrow I'll start making money and making more friends. 

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