Thursday, January 11, 2024

Day 12: Conversations with Giuseppi, Unveiling Steam Tunnels, and Club Dreams

 Today I spoke to Giuseppi about a car. I've been riding my scooter around, which I love, but a car would feel so much better and faster. Giuseppi has a pretty cool van he uses, but that won't help me any. He told me if I want to get around faster, I could always just use the steam tunnels. He claims he's only ever heard rumors, but I remember the other day when I called him up and he said he'd be there. Giuseppi said if I wanted to get in, I'd need a crowbar and some city blueprints. Apparently they're in a trapdoor in the clock tower that I'm living in. I haven't noticed any trap doors, so I went back home and looked.

I stopped and spoke to detective Dan on the way home to see what I'd need to do to reopen the club I mentioned yesterday. He said it would cost 1000 simoleons. It got shut down because the previous owner (who I learned is Maximilian Moore) owed a bunch on taxes and Dan was the one who shut it down. They both said I'm free to reopen it. So now I need 1000 simoleons and then I need to get some fliers to advertise the reopening. 

After our chat, I made it back home. I found the trap door and just like Giuseppi said, there were blueprints. Now I need a crowbar. First I really do need to talk to O. Phil McClean about that fishing job. He is really hard to please. Everything I say to him just seems to upset him. After chatting for awhile, I think we actually started to get along. 

Before the day ended, I wanted to get some smoothie slinging in at the Burning Spoke so I could earn some cash, not only to join the gym, but to reopen that club. Overall, I'd say it was a good day.

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